Thursday, June 23, 2016

June 23 Update

I left off in my last post by describing some of what my Summer will consist. Here I will also share with you some photos of the Kindergarten and After-School Program in Chiselet as well as some scenes of Romania, etc. if you follow this link:

In addition to leading a girls' ministry in Roseti I will be taking three trips in the month of July. The first will be to Arad and through other parts of Romania for four days. This will be for the graduation of a colleague/friend here at Outstretched Hands. I will be traveling with her, her family, and my roommate. We will get the opportunity to see some of Romania's scenic sights in this trip, so I'm looking forward to that.

I will be taking a trip to Albania for a week to join a ministry called Illyricum Movement that my church, Waukesha City Church, and my parents' church, Woodridge Community Church, have ties with. I will be helping with a kids' camp, so it is similar to what I do here in Romania during the Summer, but I don't know any of their language. I'm looking forward to make connections with the people there and hopefully that will also be a good opportunity to tell my home church a little more about the ministry there from another perspective, even if they may have heard about it before. This will increase my expenses between air travel, hotel, and food, but I think it's worth it.

I am planning also to visit Northern Romania because a friend of mine who is studying at New Tribes Bible Institute and whom I met at Chinese Christian Church of Milwaukee will be in the Baia Mare area with friends of hers from Bethel Romanian Baptist Church in Chicago. I will probably spend a week there and be involved with one or two VBSs they will be conducting. I would also like on this trip to make a stop in Arad to connect with a pastor there that I heard about through an older gentleman that I met at the Chinese church. The nice thing about traveling by bus in Romania is it doesn't cost much, and for this trip most other expenses or arrangements such as food and lodging will be handled by the family from Bethel church.

I can't say I know what to expect for these trips, but July will be pretty busy for me with all of that and leading the girls' ministry in Roseti. I really want to use these opportunities to network with other believers who are involved serving the Lord through missions. You can keep these things in your prayers as well, that God will work, that I will be an encouragement to others, that these travels will be an encouragement to me as well, and I will be able to pace myself well between all these things.

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