Today I went to church. It's a pretty typical thing for a Christian in our society to do on a Sunday morning. As I sat through the song service, I became aware of a train of thought that bothered me. Have you ever had that feeling like you haven't even a thread of faith left in you? Well that was me. Sometimes in church I get a little inspiration and if I pull out my sketch book I am able to develop an idea that is swirling around in my head by writing little phrases or Scriptures that concentrate on a theme or stand out to me. It's not sermon notes, they're not neat enough to be that, but it's the closest I've ever been able to come. Well today I wasn't inspired but I noticed something that I felt a lack of, namely faith, so I began writing Scriptures that I remember that address faith, what it is, how to gain it, etc.
I always love those times when the Holy Spirit decides to work on something in my heart by basically responding to the prayers and thoughts I have through a sermon, even the half-prayers that I never quite got around to praying. So as I began to write these things that were on my heart, the speaking begins. I went to Elmbrook today with my little brother and they were commisioning a new pastor, for the third time this morning, with a guest speaker - a pastor from Nairobi, Kenya. As he began to speak, there was one theme that stood out to me, and frankly to everyone else in the audience, FAITH. God is faithful, God is trustworthy, God is our provision, God is near and real and wants to work big things. He was commissioning the new pastor, but I needed that message like you wouldn't believe.
This Kenyan pastor spoke about how we pray, we pray such boring prayers that are so easy for the Creator of the entire earth the fulfill he can do them in our sleep. He asked a question: How often do you ask of God a big, hairy, audacious prayer that will make God sweat? How often do we challenge God? Oscar went on to speak about George Meuler who founded an orphanage not as much to care for the children who were left without caretakers as to prove to his generation the faithfulness of God. If God can provide for a poor man to take care of children who had no connections in the world without even asking people for money, then he could show people just how faithful God really is. George Meuler and the orphans for whom he cared would some days wake up, sit around the breakfast table, and with nothing in the pantry and no means of buying any such thing began to thank God for the food he was about to provide for them. Every time some baker or somebody would come by and say that God had laid them on his heart and that he'd gotten up early that morning with a sense that he needed to do something for those small children.
Like I said, I needed to hear that sermon. I was beginning to feel as though no sermons are really affecting me or that I am really hearing the voice of The Lord. It felt like the four hundred year gap between the last prophet in Israel to the coming of John the Baptist. What kind of a post would this be if I didn't interject here: But God is FAITHFUL. He knows exactly what we need to hear and when we need to hear it.
So God was faithful to me today, he provided for me a sermon about faith, and mustard seeds, and being able to throw a mountain into the sea, and I came away understanding that God has heard my thoughts this week and he decided to answer me through a guy who traveled here from Kenya to commission some guy as pastor of a church.
I was also blessed to be a part of a worship service where some people were playing music and a ton of little girls, my niece being one of them, who are learning ballet were dancing there. Now contrary to what you might think, it wasn't weird, but was actually a very refreshing time of just being able to sing to God and to move around and dance, if so desired, without that churchy feeling of "oh gosh, everyone's staring at me." It's strange, but I've found multiple instances where I was dealing with a mindset and a worship service of just singing to God and expressing myself to him with a group of others doing the same has been just the cure to bring me clarity of mind and to be reminded of who our God is. Our God is awesome, amazing, huge, never ending, eternal, and he is powerful. Not only all this but he loves each of us immensely and is a Father to us.
God is good. All the time.
All the time, God is good.